International contexts require to continuously invest to improve all the processes and solutions offered.
For over 20 years in Firex we have been following a process of continuous improvement in terms of responsibility and sustainability, right from the beginning of the production process. Through innovation, we seek to offer markets innovative, technological and resource-efficient solutions, in
full respect of the context in which we operate. Over the years, we have created a Quality Management System designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all business processes, the organization as well as customer satisfaction.
All this has led to the obtainment of numerous certifications, of which the latest obtained, the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certification.
An important milestone reached for Firex
An important milestone achieved by Firex is the achievement of the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification, issued by the accredited DNV-GL which has allowed to Firex, the construction of an Environmental Management System based on a dynamic, cyclical and oriented continuous improvement process. Careful management of environmental risk through:
- Enhancement of forms of interaction with the environment, the territory and the subjects with which it interacts;
- Activation of work and decision-making flows. All Firex staff are aware that in carrying out the organization’s activities, everyone is responsible for their own conduct with regard to environmental protection;
- Increase of the company’s competitive advantage on the market, thanks to the growth of its reputation as an organization committed to environmental sustainability;
- Reduction of management costs through the rationalization of the use of raw materials, the reduction of waste and emissions, the reduction of energy costs.
Firex’s Environmental Management System
Firex’s Environmental Management System is governed by a preventive logic, and for this reason the company has defined and formalized an environmental policy and identified and assessed the environmental effects caused by accidents and potential emergency situations. By integrating the Environmental Management System with the Integrated Quality and Safety Management System according to the pre-existing UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNI ISO 45001: 2018 standards, Firex Srl can introduce innovation and make a growth in the environmental management necessary to achieve ever more objectives ambitious in terms of environmental performance.
For Firex Srl customers
For Firex customers, the new certification will guarantee
- The limitation of pollution;
- Satisfaction of legal requirements;
- The continuous improvement of its Environmental Management System in order to improve its environmental performance in a global sense;
- Cost reduction, compressing waste along the entire supply chain, from materials to energy consumption; the certification contributes to increasing the environmental responsibility of the whole supply chain.
We go through a process of continuous improvement to guarantee to our customers: innovation, technological and resource-efficient solutions, in a full respect of the context in which we operate. All this following the disciplinary of the certifications obtained.