2023 has just started and Firex kicks off the year bringing sweet and savoury news at Sigep, the international benchmark exhibition for the pastry and ice cream sectors. This year marks an important one for Firex as we teamed up with precious partners in the pastry and ice cream industries.
Firex at Sigep 2023
Sigep represents a great opportunity for discussion with the masters of both sweet and savoury productions and is the perfect occasion for Firex to introduce its innovative and cutting-edge solutions, designed to meet the needs of fine pastry and ice cream laboratories. And that is possible also thanks to the new collaborations with Confederazione Pasticceri Italiani (Conpait), the Pastry and Artistic Sugar World Champion Davide Malizia and the pastry chef Federico Dalle Mule.
The collaboration with the World Champion Davide Malizia

With the intention of proposing the best of technology to the pastry and ice cream sectors, Firex has recently formed a precious partnership with master pastry chef Davide Malizia. His experience helped the Firex team to make various improvements and innovations in the new multipurpose and automated cookers that are able to guarantee maximum precision in the temperature control as well as ensure infinite replicability of any recipe and base. You can find further info in the new Firex catalogue for pastry, already available for download.
Davide Malizia: “Cucimix is my ally in pastry, it really is the machine of the future. Each kitchen should have one in 2023, as this unit is able to maintain high cooking standards thanks to the automated mixer and a user-friendly display. Come with me and I’ll show you all about pastry with Firex”.
Firex machines for pastry
From pastry cream to caramel Cucimix, the automated multipurpose industrial cooker, is the perfect ally to make hundreds of different recipes in as many different cooking modes.
For more delicate preparations Firex has designed the Baskett line, kettles with mixer ideal for ice cream bases, puddings, jellies and much more.
To find out more click here.
Upcoming events
In 2023 Firex will attend international exhibitions, like Internorga in Hamburg from 10. to 14. of March and Iba in Munich from 22. to 26. of October. But that is not all.
In October Firex will be in Milan at Host, the world’s exhibition dedicated to catering and hospitality as well as in Parma for Cibus Tec, the trade show dedicated to the food industry. There Firex will present its wide range of products and solutions perfect for large food productions.