Cooking at low temperatures

Firex: Discover the quality

Professional low temperatures cooking with high savings of resources and energy

Low heat cooking is a process that requires very long times, during which the tank remains closed. In this way it is possible to preserve food liquids, sources of high nutritional value, without letting them evaporate, and keeping foods soft and juicy. Unlike normal induction or gas oven cooking, energy consumption is much lower. Furthermore, the low temperature guarantees excellent results and tasty recipes, getting the best even from the less valuable products.

Low heat cooking allows the machine to be used during the hours when it would normally not be used, even overnight, allowing staff to find the product cooked in the morning. The “delayed start” function of the Firex cookers is the perfect solution to get the most out of low heat intensity cooking. With this professional tool for cooking in the kitchen, the possibilities are endless and you can prepare traditional dishes, as well as experiment with new recipes.

Preparations: sauces, stews, boiled meat, broths, soups, cereals, legumes and sweets.


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