Sous vide cooking

Firex: Discover the quality

The sous vide cooking with low temperature is full of vantage

Technique (between 50°C and 100°C) thanks to which it is possible to cook the food closed in special bags, specially sealed after eliminating the air inside them. With the vacuum cooking the food is just seared or assembled raw, and inserted with sauces or condiments in the bags. Later, these are immersed in water at a controlled temperature for a variable time, from a few minutes or many hours, depending on the type and size of the product. At the end of cooking the product can be consumed, or fast chilled and preserved.

Vacuum sealing has numerous advantages including the increase in food shelf-life, flavour preservation and reduction of aerobic bacterial growth. Furthermore, this type of cooking allows the perfect reproducibility of the dish and greater control over cooking the food compared to traditional methods. It allows restaurants a wider selection of dishes thanks to single portions, and for everyone a considerable energy savings.

To cook at low temperatures, in addition to the vacuum packing machine, a thermostatic bath is necessary in order to heat the water to the desired temperature and maintain the homogeneous temperature in every part of the tank to ensure uniform cooking.

Preparations: fish, meat and vegetable in various forms.


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