Rosticceria Varaschin
Settore: Food Service/Industry
My name is Luca Varaschin and together with my wife Barbara I am the owner of Rosticceria Varaschin.
The company was founded in 1982 by my parents, who were both passionate about gastronomy. From a 50 square meters small lab with joint shop, we have now grown to a surface of 200 square meters, 7 employees and a store.
We have inherited from our family the passion for gastronomy and the recipes which we still reproduce to this day with just some small adjustments.
We produce and sell high-end food products.
In our recipes we never use pre-made products like stock cubes or preparations.
All our ingredients are genuine and we tend to prefer fresh local products.

The challenge for Rosticceria Varaschin
I’ve been going to work at 5am every morning for the past 35 years and mixing great quantities of products multiple times a day is very exhausting.
Our equipment required manual stirring every five minutes. We wanted to improve our productivity so we searched for tech solutions which could help us make our job more efficient and effective.
The solution
We discovered Firex thanks to our trusted equipment supplier. After some research we had no doubts: Firex is the perfect solution.
Firex machines installed inside Rosticceria Varaschin
Cucimix is a versatile industrial cooker with a hi-tech heart. Thanks to the mixer incorporated in the bratt pan and the Firex Touch Control, Cucimix offers the possibility of preparing a vast range of recipes using the many cooking methods.
What the customer says
Since when we started using the new machine with mixer, we’ve seen improvements in the cooking times: the process takes less yet the flavours of the recipe remain always the same. And above all we don’t need to stir all the time anymore, the automatic mixer does it all. And that is a great relief a lot both in terms of physical effort and also, we don’t have to remember to mix every few minutes. And what’s more important, the product doesn’t stick to the pan which then means no need of lengthy cleaning.
The machine is user friendly and that is crucial these days because we struggle to find employees.
Furthermore, thanks to the Firex Touch Control, we can program the machine and let it cook any recipes. During the cooking process, we can focus on other tasks.
Luca Varaschin – owner of Rosticceria Varaschin: “We wanted to improve our productivity so we searched for tech solutions which could help us make our job more efficient and effective”.